The builders apparently used stone tools, not metal tools. Americas Stonehenge or Mystery Hill comes with more questions than answers. I personally dont see what screams sacrificial about this. On "Mystery of Iniquity" Hill offers a critique of the judicial system, as she works through the trauma that she suffered during a career-defining lawsuit in which four musicians claimed arrangement and production credits for all the tracks on Miseducation and resulted in Hill losing the rights to many of her most iconic songs: "Cross . Some say it may have been the Phoenecians, the people of an ancient kingdom on the Mediterranean. The sacrificial alter at Mystery Hill can be better explained as a . With all of this being said, its still a really cool place. The 'hill' has a long history of defying laws of gravity and perplexing minds. Detailed archaeological and architectural analysis of the structures suggests the site went through five cultural phases each with its own distinct architecture. Without a horizon, it becomes difficult for a person to judge the slope of a surface, as a reliable reference is missing. It seems that the one constant is the "mystery". While it is quite likely that the site is simply the combination of Native American habitation (hence the radiocarbon dating), Colonial usage and building (hence the stone structures) and a series of amateur archeologists doing some seriously wishful thinking and even hoaxing (the supposed Ogham, Phoenician and Iberian scripts), the complete truth is difficult or even impossible to know. They stumbled across an area of land where their surveying equipment didnt seem to work properly. The origin of the Mystery Hill ancient architects is a fascinating story. Illuminating, authoritative and enhanced with over 100 pictures, that describes ancient European temple inscriptions that date as far back as 800 B.C.. Read more. Im of two minds on this structure too, though these two minds are more mundane than the altar/storage space mentioned above. According to the Campbells, there was a magical accident that combined two happy male and female antelope and chipmunk couples. Mystery hill is another name for a gravity hill, a type of optical illusion created by surrounding landscape. It is one of Northern America's largest and possibly oldest megalithic sites. The location on Newell Road has come to be known as "Spook Hill." At the peak of the road,. It is obvious to any astronomer that some of the brightest objects in the night sky are the planets. Stonehenge is located on a plain, not a hill, and is arranged specifically as a series of concentric circles, horseshoes, and squares. Eventually, everyone wanted to experience Mystery HIll for themselves. Who constructed the stone circles near Salem? Ancient Secrets Of John Dee And The Enochian Apocalypse Examined, Evidence Of Lost Advanced Ancient Technology In Babylon, Obsidian Blades Reveals Dynamic Neolithic Social Networks New Analysis, Legendary Basilisk With Deadly Petrifying Stare King Of The Serpents, Sibylline Books: Ancient Prophecies Destroyed By Fire, Mystery Of Pharaohs And Gods With Two Left Or Two Right Hands, Ostia Antica Unique Ancient Harbor City In The Suburbs Of Rome, On This Day In History: Mathematician And Astronomer Simon Marius Independently Rediscovered Andromeda Galaxy On Dec 15, 1612, Mahabharata And Ramayana Two Major Sanskrit Epics Of Ancient India, 15,000-Year-Old Petroglyphs Discovered In The Gobi Desert May Be Evidence Ancient Turks Visited Mongolia Expert Says, Unraveling The Secret History Of King Arthur And Robin Hood. Such simple FUN! Rapid City, South Dakota Some people believe that the world is predictable, quantifiable, manageable. 3. Mystery Hill is located at 129 Mystery Hill Ln in Blowing Rock, NC, just off Highway 321 between Blowing Rock NC and Boone NC. A structure at the Mystery Hill site. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. See. The story dates back many years ago when a Seminole Indian village on Lake Wales had the misfortune of being terrorized by the large gator. All rights reserved. The altar is a 4.5-ton grooved slab, and it bears a striking resemblance to altar stones found at megalithic sites in Europe. In this case, Im going to quote the great Shane Madej of Buzzfeed Unsolved (which is a great true crime/supernatural youtube series, if youre not averse to humor): Let it be a mystery. Im comfortable with not knowing the true origin of the structures. Stonehenge is made up of giant monoliths that defy any attempts to find meaning. Mystery Hill is in all likelihood a collection of eighteenth and nineteenth century farming structures, cold cellars, etc. The young man whose family owned the site had discovered that the site marked important movements of the sun. To work with brick is more manageable than with stone. Professor of astronomy at New Hampshire Technical Institute Alan Hill does not see the astronomical alignments as coincidence. The memory never left me. Next in the possible Hoax History is William Goodwin. While other mystery spots acknowledge theyre not really pulling the wool over anyones eyes, the quaint Mystery Hole of Anstedwhich features a gorilla statue on its roof, a Volkswagen Beetle sticking out of a wall, and a series of slanted underground roomsadmirably embraces its tourist trap roots and has no qualms building up the fantastic qualities of its attraction: One lady said it changed her husband from an old grouch to a nice sweet person, and some have even complained that the admission price is too low and insisted on giving a tip [Some] have gone away so bewildered that they've headed in the wrong direction and became lost. 10 Best Places To Stay In the Outer Banks In North Carolina, The Unique Restaurant In North Carolina Where Every Order On Monday Comes With 2 Free Kids Meals, Take Flight At Jockeys Ridge State Park, A Delightful Day Trip On The Outer Banks Of North Carolina, Rustic Roots Restaurant In North Carolina Serves Up Heaping Helpings Of Country Cooking, This Strange Phenomenon Of North Carolinas Gravity Hill Is An Odd Mystery, This Recent Demonic Possession In North Carolina Has Everyone Talking, These 6 Sinkholes In North Carolina Will Make You Terrified Of Earth, A Tour Of This Haunted Jail In North Carolina Is Not For The Faint Of Heart. One particular gravity hill, Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz, has been attracting visitors since the 1930s and is the site of more than a few eerie feelings and misunderstood sightings. Many theories have tried to explain these strange phenomena. Evidence suggests that North America was colonized long before the birth of Christ. None of these theories have been confirmed with archaeological proof, and several have been refuted outright by leading voices in the academic world. Glyphs that may be ogham are said to have been found on the stones. Later, Barry Fell, a marine biologist and amateur historian, wrote about the site in his 1976 book America B.C. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. With so much stone around, it wouldnt be that difficult to find some alignments that correspond to celestial things, Goodby told Boston University publication the Bridge. Mystery Spot: The name itself inspires suspense and anticipation, and it sufficiently does justice to the strange nature of the place. The Campbell Brothers of Confusion Hill add a dash of the mythical to their mystery spots lore with claims that the elusive (and extremely fictional) Chipalope (half chipmunk, half antelope) originated at Confusion Hill. Conservatively speaking, there is evidence of continued human presence related to the stone structures at the site for a 2500 year time period. The architects of Mystery Hill had an impressive knowledge of astronomy. Who were these people? The Ghost Sickness Belief of the Native American Indians, Culturally Misunderstood: The Struggles and Advances of Early American Women. apparently.Mystery Hill has been amazing visitors since 1948 wi. We may never know who built Mystery Hill. The standing stones align with the location of the polestar Thuban during Phoenician times, according to Wright. In addition, the long central lane at Mystery Hill is reminiscent of some walls in ancient Europe. But the young man found that the angles could be followed to Stonehenge, and then to a site in what was ancient Phoenicia. The Mystery Hill archaeological site, better known today as Americas Stonehenge, is situated on the exposed bedrock summit of Mystery Hill in North Salem, New Hampshire. Some of the stones at Mystery Hill were indeed quarried using primitive stone-on-stone techniques, two reputable surveyors vouched for an alignment of stones that might be consistent with the astronomy of a few thousand years ago, and radiocarbon analysis points to human occupation of the area as far back as 2000 B.C. When you're standing straight up, you appear to be leaning towards the side like pictured above. Whoever wrote the description clearly had a great time doing it, almost daring city folk to come by and just have a good time: This MYSTERY HOLE thing seems to affect different people in different ways depending on whether they cling to the new style education or stray to the plain old C.H.S. Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. William Goodwin, the first investigator of the site, theorized it was built by Irish Culdee monks around 1000 AD. I wonder what the real truth is behind this crazy phenomenon? Straws Lane Gravity Hill in Victoria, Australia. He wrote a letter to Konami, the game's publishers, in which he . Regarding the "sacrificial" conjecture, I rather think that the site has more to do with a belief in the healing properties of water, especially the tradition of "holy water," which was integral to the beliefs of megalithic cultures. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. Visiting the Americas Stonehenge Archaeological Site, The site is open year round to visitors. At least one was constructed with a drain to keep them from being flooded. EXPLORE EVENTS & GROUPS One of North Carolina's most unique attractions, Mystery Hill is a unique blend of indoor and outdoor adventure located in Blowing Rock, just outside of Boone. For decades, the mystery of the Moncton Magnetic Hill remained just that a mystery. Like Stonehenge in England, America's Stonehenge was built by ancient people well versed in astronomy and stone construction. Top Image of Washington State Gravity Hill: Sarai Rachel. Visual cues counter to reality often help convince and disorient, so trees and windows are placed on a slant, and the supposed phenomena is demonstrated by balls rolling up the floor and chairs staying put halfway up a wall. Since no one has time to search through the entire internet where all these answers are scattered around (like new snow or confetti, some might say), we rounded up answers to eight of the biggest . When they lean so that they're perpendicular to a downhill slope, it looks straight. Gravity hills are also known as magnetic hills and mystery hills , and all three names say . Of course, appearances can be deceiving. It proved to be that there was something phenomenal going on with the gravitational pull of this particular hill. Jonathan Pattee Myth & Americas Stonehenge. Fell could identify traces of Basks, Celts, Phoenicians, and ancient Egyptians across the country. Gold Hill also makes the audacious accusation that the Santa Cruz Mystery Spot is a copy of the one at the Oregon Vortex. Spook Hill of Lake Wales, Florida, claims, according to local legend, that its gravity hill (an exterior optical illusion created by the land surrounding a road) was created by the ghost of either a huge gator or a Native American chief who fought each other in an epic battle that formed the lake at that spot. Of interest to this article are five dates from the Middle Woodland period of which 1430 B.P. Did the ancient builders arrive by ship from the East? The earliest c-14 date which is directly linked to construction activity on the site is 2995 BP or about 3,000 years ago. Nothing is as it seems, especially at Mystery Hill. This is the theory that most archaeologists believe based on available evidence. The laws of nature seem to have gone completely beserk, especially in the mystery houses. The word "vortex" simply means a whirpool of force, like a whirling mass of water. Some of these photographs provided glimpses into the site prior to restoration. Whatever the theories, asGoudsward and Stone write: There has been so much damage in the last four millennia that no matter who you believe built the site, there is just enough physical evidence to warrant further investigation along that line. Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you. [5], "Magnetic hill" and "Mystery hill" redirect here. I have walked this way again and again for years, and I have never been able to convince myself that the stream isn't flowing up. And for over 70 years, we've maintained exhibits and experiences that feature Appalachian culture and history. Offer subject to change without notice. Numerous C14 dates have been recovered from the Mystery Hill site NH46-1. The article " Americas Stonehenge May Be 4,000 Years OldDid Celts Build It? " Keep moving along, and you will notice, just before the stream empties into the lake, it goes uphill. Others have also said the intricacies of construction and alignment were not likely carried out by the Pattee family, and the family would have used metal tools, not stone tools. Due to this extraordinary. The similarity to Stonehenge ends with the construction materia, and the parallel is a strenuous reach. Regardless of whether its truly ancient or a hoax, it still draws tourists to explore the structures. But the abundance of Mystery Spots across North America -- often mysteriously close to major highways and tourist attractions -- proves those people wrong.. At Mystery Spots "the laws of nature seem to have gone completely berserk," as a sign at Cosmos Mystery Area declares. Glyphs seem to suggest an archaic Irish language, though any deciphering of the glyphs has been controversial. When the middle board was angled slightly downhill, and the boards around it were angled steeply downhill, most people they asked saw the middle board as going uphill. There is a great legend behind the mystery of Spook Hill that includes a prominent Native American chief and a massive Florida alligator. Many people all around the globe have found themselves happening upon physics dilemmas similar to this. Generally, there are also trees and no buildings in the area. The stone work is not unimpressive, though. 150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? There are table-like structures, altar-like structures, and what looks to be small shelters made of the stone. Where Putney Road meets up to M-22 gravity works backward. A gravity hill, often referred to as a mystery hill, is a spot in the road where the layout of surrounding land and landmarks creates an optical illusion, making a slight . Thus, a car left out of gear will appear to be rolling uphill against gravity. You will receive your first newsletter soon. One clue to the origins of these stone buildings might be found in one of the episodes on America Unearthed that deals with the archaeo-astronomy of one of these sites in New England. Clearly the site has been changed, moved, manipulated, and yet, the mystery only grows. Im not going to dive too deep into the broader theories of what Mystery Hill is because, to be frank, the theories Ive come across are mostly wild ideas without any proof or logic behind them. Im not going to dive too deep into the broader theories of what Mystery Hill. However, there is not of the ornamentation on the stones that would be indicative of Celts., A structure at the Mystery Hill site. You probably have a local "Mystery Spot" in your area, and it undoubtedly features a gravity hill that is, a place where either water or solid objects seem to move uphill against the force of gravity. At Ancient Origins we believe that one of Read More. The phenomenon has sparked a lot of ghost stories, from spectral children to Civil War soldiers trying to roll cannons into position. In short, whatever happened on the ridge at Mystery Hill is not known for certain, but, Runnels adds, "Based on the available evidence rather than unsupported conjecture the various stone arrangements on the site were constructed by owners of the property in the 19th and 20th centuries and have no connection to prehistoric Europe." A gravity hill, also known as a magnetic hill, mystery hill, mystery spot, gravity road, or anti-gravity hill, is a place where the layout of the surrounding land produces an optical illusion, making a slight downhill slope appear to be an uphill slope. Whittall recovered charcoal from several other locations on site and carbon dating ranged from 2,000 B.C. 2. He has also done radiocarbon and laser theodolite dating to support a Bronze Age origin (2,000 B.C.1,500 B.C.). That is definitely a shelf of some sort anyway. The site consists of a core complex of 13 stone chambers, several enclosures, niches, stone walls, stoned lined drains, small grooves & basins, and other features which covers about one acre on the summit. To find out if the belief was factual or a myth the author sought out firsthand and period information on the subject. Quarrying also took place at the site in Goodwins time, as evidenced by drill marks on the stone. (Stan Shebs/Wikimedia Commons). In the shadowy world of ancient warfare, one weapon stood out as a true marvel: Greek fire. Some say Mystery Hill was built by the ancient Celts and served as an astronomical calendar. But do these uncanny spots really defy the laws of physics? Experience a world where Science, Mystery, and Fun collide. Director Christopher Gans had been a huge fan of the series and had been trying to acquire its film rights. He said the sacrificial stone was probably actually a place for inhabitants in more recent history to make soap. The Native American theory was formally published in Mary Gages book Americas Stonehenge Deciphered (2006). Explore the science, myth, and kitsch of the mystery spot in these 10 sites around the world. In other words, there wasn't anything they could do to make that middle section look downhill to anyone. 1. Fair Winds Trade From the Aegean to Egypts Amarna, Translation of 5,500-Year-Old Babel Text from China Reveals Oldest Known Map of Inner Solar System, The Gristhorpe Man: A Bronze Age Skeleton with a Story to Tell, 3: The Perfect Number - Trinity Symbolism in World Religious Traditions, Evidence that Noahs Ark Landed on a Mountain 17 Miles South of Ararat, The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts, The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend Part I, Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I, Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations, The Origins of the Faeries: Encoded in our Cultures Part I, Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures Part I, The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription, Womens Changing Roles Before and During the American Civil War, Can a Ghost Make You Ill? It is the adaptation of a survival horror video game series of the same name, which was first released in February 1999. The Magnet or Gravity Hill of Madinah is located at Wadi al-Jinn (also known as Wadi-E-Baida, Wadi-e-Al-Baida or Jabal Baida or Baida mountains or Baida wild park ), North West of Madinah and is about 37 miles (60 km) from the city centre with coordinates 2443'21" N 3926'35" E. The exact location, however, is not listed on Google Maps. The result of his research clearly showed that America in ancient times was populated by various European races and people from North Africa. When everything, the contrasted slope of the landscape, the angle of the trees, and the inability to check anything against a horizon line, comes together on a slightly downhill slope, it will look uphill to whatever hapless chump happens to be wandering along it. Sure, its small, but when you just need a roof over your head during a storm, that doesnt really matter. Anomaly Caretaker Matthew Underwood explained, "Basically an anomaly is anything that . You can defy gravity and experience the craziness for yourself at Mystery Hill, located between Blowing Rock and Boone. Others suggest giants raised the ancient stones. Approximately 500 years before the Spaniards and Portuguese reached the shores of America, the Viking Leif Eriksson set foot in the New World in 1001 A.D. Ericson and his crew made it to Vinland, now identified by archaeologists as Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland. Here, when you park your vehicle or put your vehicle on neutral; it still runs at a constant speed of 10-15 kmph, that too up the hill. Stone walls throughout the site provide over 200 astronomical alignments with the moon, 45 different stars, and critical geographic points. Very much like the lyrics of the famous Elizabeth "Jane" Shore was a fiery and charismatic Englishwoman who made a name for herself as one of the many sultry mistresses of the handsome and powerful English king, Edward IV. The most common explanations are fallen . There isn't any horizon line to help people get their bearings. America's Stonehenge, also known as Mystery Hill, is an archaeological site consisting of a number of large rocks and stone structures scattered around roughly 30 acres (120,000 m2) within the town of Salem, New Hampshire in the northeast United States. Its confirmed, however, by the CICAP Lazio (the "Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal" section of Rome), which conducted a scientific analysis of the spot in 2009, that the slight decline is actually a slight incline. I'm looking forward to my next visit as well as the next ariticle espousing a new theory as to who could have built this site, when, and why. " Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! We know that the ancient builders who possessed astronomical knowledge came from another place. He was hesitant to say the megaliths could be 4,000 years old, but he seemed to leave the possibility open. The Chilling Mystery of the Octavius Ghost Ship, What is a Wendigo? Originally owned by the colonial family the Pattees, for most of its known history the site was either ignored, or assumed to be the work of colonial settlers or possibly Native Americans. What are your thoughts on Mystery Hill?. Im of two minds on this structure too, though these two minds are more mundane than the altar/storage space mentioned above. The stones may have helped those who lived here to plot the seasons. More recently, it has been called the Machu Picchu of Africa, in part due to the mystery that surrounds the structure and why its inhabitants abandoned it. Mysterious spots pockmark the tourist landscape, promising to show Nature and Physics gone berserk. One standing stone points to the star Thuban, the North Pole star in 2000 B.C. Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. The similarity to Stonehenge ends with the construction materia, and the parallel is a strenuous reach. Mystery Hill The sacrificial alter at Mystery Hill can be better explained as a cider or soap press Archaeological evidence used to support a Chinese discovery of North America. The first known reference came in 1907, in a book about the history of Salem, New Hampshire. For one, Mr. Hudson operated a cider mill on a wooden platform. Despite there being basically no evidence of this, it opened the floodgates to numerous other interpretations of the site. We may earn a commission from links on this page. The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries saw a series of transitions in life in America, as many, particularly women, strove to find their identities in patriarchal society. The folklore of the area states the spot became a tourist attraction as far . While the mystery of Alex's disappearance appears to have been wrapped up, Abby takes on a new job working the front desk of a local . Stephen King, in his book Danse Macabre (1981), a non-fiction review of the horror genre, lists The Haunting of Hill House as one of the finest horror novels of the late 20th century and provides a lengthy review. First, it could simply be a storage space. Below the summit on the slopes of the hill are a 14th chamber, two utilized natural caves, springs, stone walls, stone cairns, niches, standing stones, and other features. "The Mystery Spot is a gravitational anomaly located in the redwood forests just outside of Santa Cruz, California," the official website says. In 1976, Barry Fell wrote America B.C., a book that pointed out parallels between American and European archaeological sites. To make a very long story short, Barry Fell of New Zealand, identified the ancient 'writing' as Phoenician. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, about Womens Changing Roles Before and During the American Civil War, about Can a Ghost Make You Ill? Spook Hill was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2019. Despite all this, there are some genuinely intriguing elements about the site acknowledged by respected historians and archeologists. It contains a bed, bench, closet, and a tube that allows a person inside the lower chamber to speak to congregants above at the altar. The gift shop at the Area sells the famous crooked Cosmos shot glass.. The Ending of 'Disappearance at Clifton Hill', Explained. The state of Maine in the United States is well-known for its many shipwrecks, but the stories behind some of the vessels are still unknown. I have absolutely no idea. The Beast with an insatiable Hunger for Human Flesh, Film Footage Provides Intimate View of HMS Gloucester Shipwreck, Top 8 Legendary Parties - Iconic Celebrations in Ancient History, The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth Behind the Black Legend (Part II), The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth behind the Dark Legend (Part I), Bloodthirsty Buddhists: The Sohei Warrior Monks of Feudal Japan. And history ; Hill & # x27 ; ve maintained exhibits and experiences feature... Date which is directly linked to construction activity on the world is predictable, quantifiable,.! Defy gravity and perplexing minds Mystery, and all three names say and it sufficiently justice! Behind the Mystery of Spook Hill was built by Irish Culdee monks 1000! Astronomical alignments as coincidence the long central lane at Mystery Hill '' here... 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