Because saying he was glad you had a friend you could talk to and that he wishes youd tell him more, seems very not against magic., Look, hes just, just pretending to care, but he doesnt really though, I promise., Emma studied the other girl, trying ignore what she knew until she couldnt. A desire in Emmas eyes to have been close enough with one of her parents to understand. !, Mary Margaret looked taken aback, What do you mean? Emma scooted closer to Regina, not wanting to crowd her. I knew something was off. It was a mistake and they were making it harder. Okay, I will, Emma said, smiling at the older witch. Silence, as if the house itself was holding its breath. She was resisting the urge to sigh as that would be considered movement when movement on the other side of the window caught her attention. My granny is a professor and the groundskeeperIve been all over the place! #henry It was already the faded yellow of a few days old bruise, but it did not look good. Here? Reginas spine went completely rigid and she could feel her magic flare up. While she felt bad about missing practice due to detention, given to her by Professor Binns for arguing with him regarding dwarf representation in class and asking why they never read anything from non-wizards, she wasnt exactly happy about having to make up the practice tonight. My transfiguration professors one of those! When shed tackled Emma her robes had ridden up, exposing her right ankle. When eighteen year old Regina Mills is accused of murdering Storybrooke's Mayor, detective Emma Swan is one of only a few people who believe she's innocent. Ill find a way to thank you for this., No problem, really, he said like its nothing, Good night Ms. Mills!. He narrowed his eyes before guessing, Gryffindor?, Emma shook her head, Nope, proud badger here.. Then she made the correct circling gesture, Expecto Patronum!. I dont remember us loosing a ton of house points, another chaser said. I dont like having my tutoring sessions at different times all the different days. This was true, it was annoying having her sessions on Monday at 3:30, Wednesdays at 6:00 and Saturdays at 10:00. Evidently the bedrooms were upstairs as the entire bottom floor of the cottage was an open space with a stone fireplace, stovetop to one side, a couch and worn looking chairs to the other, and a circular kitchen table in the center. Emma? Ms. Sapphire asked, calling Emma over to her with just her name. Thanks, see you around, Emma said wearily, waving at the kids back as he stomped off. It was a very distinctive look. It was almost four and it would have been nice to just lay down finally. One night, while she was staring up at the stars, the outline of a shape flew between her and their light. I talked with Professor Sprout last year, but it was pretty hypothetical. Yes, its been me. Reginas eyes darted around before she came to a decision and nodded. Potions could be like that, but they also had room for experimentation, without inventing a completely new piece of magic. She glanced down at the textbook and the pieces clicked together. It was simultaneously a familiar sight and like nothing she had ever seen before. I dont feel like its real. He tended to go after it whenever he saw it, confident in his chasers ability to rack up enough of a points lead that his catch would guarantee a win. It shouldnt be. He didnt even try to confront her about it. She walked away with a smirk. Emma decided to mention his strange behavior tomorrow and see if she could figure out what she did wrong to make her friend so skittish. I think if I was able to practice actually making some of the potions, I would find them easier to remember, she kept her hands locked behind her so they wouldnt give her nerves away. We have parents and relatives who live in their world, and we all live in this one, but isnt it really the same world?. Which they seem to find mysterious and interesting, rather than scary. She put Char in the corner of her eye and began her own serious search for the snitch, eyes tracking any small movement. Reginas mind refused to consider why her mother might look that way. II dont think theyd let me keep a pet back at the. Emma made an awkward gesture to mean the group home. A triumphant grin broke across the older girls face as a loud whoop from Isha could be heard and Regina felt a smile grow on her lips as her team flew together. She held her in a tight embrace and she breathed in a familiar scent. In the beginning of our ride home, she fell asleep on my shoulder. She hates Gryffindor, despises Hufflepuff even more. However, now that Regina was talking to her, Rocinante seemed to be taking an interest. Regina had never had passion fruit tea before, so she expected it was supposed to taste as flowery as it did. Everything at Beauxbatons is so fancy and magical. This morning though, Cora ate quickly explaining she had an appointment with the head of the Invisibility Task Force. I felt my cheeks flush and I slightly leaned toward Emma as I cleared my throat. She didnt look at all like the sort of person Emma would have expected to know this drunk man. On such nights she would go up to the top of Ravenclaw tower and look up at the stars. What if none of them worked? All four of them stood up to follow August and he lead them a street or two over from the main High Street until they stopped outside Marcos Handyman & Woodworking Services. Probably not for a while yet, Sharon didnt seem the type until Mr. Hare came looking for her for a monthly check in. She looked more present than she had all year and Emma felt some of that confidence rub off on her. Old, but functional furniture, a girl a couple of years older was lounging in front of a TV, her eyes flicked briefly to Emmas but didnt give anything away. When she came back from the library caf, the owl was waiting for her impatiently. Regina nodded stiffly, her eyes not leaving the boys, who did in fact look stricken. And how do you earn this gold?, The sale of potions. What is that! Thanks, Regina said. You think I cant tell?. Madame Pomfrey spoke up, Miss Swan here to see you. She turned to Emma, Make sure she doesnt try to stand up or move her ankle. Regina was panting from the exhilaration and when she turned to face Emma she was grinning in a way Emma had never seen before. I think I finally found what we need.. He was friends with Hector though so he would know. Very Slytherin of you, if I might say so. Regina blushed, shed always suspected he knew. I need your help. Emma stared at the letter from her friend and felt a few tears fall. When they opened the door, a hush seemed to come over the witches, similar that in a bank or a library. Regina slid her wand back into her sleeve. Still, as the letter settled back into her hands, she felt a band around her chest, not unlike the ones Mother liked to use, loosen. Had something gone wrong with a potion she had on in her study room? I doubted there were any shops selling swimsuits in winter, but I had to figure something out because if I had paid for that luxury, I wanted to enjoy the time there. Goodbye! Emma yelled, throwing open the door, before Lily could stop her, Emma had pulled out her invisibility cloak, wrapped it around herself and disappeared from sight. Damn. Emma almost said she could see why Regina had made her house team as a second year, only to swallow her words. A year before the curse was put over the enchanted forest, a young bandit makes a daring rob on the queen Regina, however . Um- yeah, yeah, I think, I said as I tried to keep my eyes open. Alright, okay. Emma scowled and reluctantly handed it over. She eventually found a folded white blanket that might be it in the closet, I think I found it!, Really? She knew quick movements would give her away more with her charm in place. Emmas eyes widened and her hand flew to her chin. Really? Are you sure? Regina asked doubtfully, Emma didnt seem to be holding on very tightly. As she moved closer she saw it was the single largest owl shed ever scene, black with small white patchesit was a wonder shed managed to pick it out against the night sky at all. Do you have proof of these activities?, Regina frowned, Some, she covers her tracks well. Thank me?, Emma almost forgot her annoyance in her glee at seeing Regina look so 100% thrown off. Marco continued, Everything ended up being such a mess. Very nice to meet you, young lady. Emma held Regina's hands and kissed her hair and forehead as the doctor and nurses set up for the spinal tap. God I hope they come soon. It was a good way to break up the studyingreading books and looking at flashcards got boring quickly, even for Ravenclaws. An indistinct shout came from inside the cabin until a stout older witch in a well-worn hat and dragon hide gloves opened the door. they looked very angry, but they were on the other side of the road from the park and held up by traffic. Now. She flicked her wand and he was steadily pushed out of the room, through the doors and out into the street. Henry is a patient that Regina takes care of and ends up growing close with. She drew in a few shuddery breaths. The Library seemed like the best choice for finding information. Really good friends actually, sorry I thought you might Well, anyway, I think hed like to meet you, if you dont mind., Emma blinked, this guy wanted her to meet his dad. She wasnt that out of practice and were these not her familys horses. It will be all ready for you and Ill walk you through the whole thing. Regina actually laughed and then flicked some droplets at Emma. Why did he call me the savior?. I think theyre attracted to the excitement of the school and the villagebesides theres not much else nearby so its the only place they can feed. How long have you been able to see them? Emma asked carefully, but without judgementmerely simple curiosity. They get alluncomfortable.. She leaned back a bit, cradling her arm. Oh, hi MM. Hi, can I get a hot coco with cinnamon please? Emma asked, smiling at the cashier, a boy a couple of years older than her that she recognized from previous times shed been here. Emma held her gaze, not sure what Lily was looking for, but hoping she could find it in her. No. You should think about trying to do it more, Kathryn pressed. Between tailoring the potion and Reginas own improvements, the potion ended up helping Marion wonderfully. Hold it together. Eventually, a Scottish voice called, Regina? She grabbed a bag and hastily threw some things that looked like they might be useful. So whats happening? Sure, of course, Emma said. Amelia is very powerful, even more so than her mother. If I didnt know any better, I would have said she was making business arrangements; but I was almost absolutely sure it was just a new mobile game she downloaded to pass the time. His sister and her family, the only one of his family who he still exchanged regular letters with was there. Um, right, muggle thing. They beat once, twice, before picking up to the typical rapid flutter; the whisper of sound picked up by Reginas ears even as far away as she wasor maybe it was just her imagination. It circled both beaters, who each froze automatically lest they cause a crash. Grannys on it. In that sense, then the spell did its job so well, no one could find you., Emma nodded, Granny had told her something similar. It was done and the aurors were coming, she only needed to stall for time. Slug & Jiggers Apothecary, Amanuensis Quills, Fine Enchanting Caldrons, j. Pippins Potions, Cranville Quinceys Magical Junkshop, Second-Hand Robes. Once she hit the last u in Critical and Capricious Components, the cover grew over ends of the pages until it looked like the book was in a box. I dont know what me and Ms Sapphire did, but it wasnt thisit was way longer for one.. She told Professor Flitcwick that so Im banned, even now., Emma actually pulled back a little from surprise before catching up again. As she neared the center of the pitch, she heard one of the chasers call, Navar, youre late!. Professor McGonagall re-entered the shop and either ignored or didnt notice the double take from the teenager and his frantic whispering to his siblings as he recognized one of his professors. And Ive never had butterbeer, which sounds kinda gross, but if everyone loves it, its gotta be good. David nodded along with her, since he was muggleborn and hadnt had it yet either. They were going to be overwhelmed. The girl laughed at the anger on their faces and gave them a cheeky wave before pulling Emma down the street, dodging other pedestrians to help them gain some more ground. I know how to ride, but not bareback. How about we try a larger circle of cards this time. Emma was trying to remember if theyd forgotten anything and was about to start juggling her purchases to pull out her letter when McGonagall spoke up. Regina moved her things to the window ledge as she pulled Emma down beside her. Emma wasnt going to let anyone else make her friend feel like crap. Im a Professor at Emmas boarding school. She opened her eyes and smiled happily. The cloak stopped working and Granny had to tell me.. Whatever, she huffed and the next thing I knew, Emma jumped in the pool and started playing The shark is coming with our son, so they were basically chasing each other in the water, occasionally yelling to me to join them. You know Emma, Regina voice seemed to have dropped an octave and Emma swallowed hard as she found herself even more distracted by Reginas lips than usual. Aside from the captain, three were returning team members, the keeper, a chaser, and a beater each, all of whom were expected to reclaim their positions. Whats that sound? Archie asked, a bit nervously, looking around for the source. When Emma looked at her questioningly, she flushed and hurried to explain. Im she panted. August was clearly proud of his father, so she didnt want to say that she thought the spell had been overkill and that she hated it for meaning she grew up in foster care instead of with the Lucas or something else similar. What are they? Emma asked in a hushed voice. As Regina beant over the examine it, Silvia explained, First we hide the true lock, we can make it so a panel appears when you physically manipulate the trunk in some way as you say a password and then reveal a panel, a number combination or a word. Eventually, they ended up lying side by side on the hill, arms pressed together, talking instead of stargazing. Regina didnt know if she was happy or angry or sad that she might be able to breath a few moments where the new reality of his death wasnt the background noise to her every though. Isnt that your professors job?, No, Emma shook her head, scowling both in reference to the card game and due to thinking about Gold, who normally annoyed her. She ponders which to wear to work today. Reading the steps aloud can help too, that what I prefer to do when Im learning a new potion.. The downside of her growing reputation as someone who would make potions if asked showed itself about three weeks later. How can any trip that involves Honeydukes not be?. Soon Emma was distracted by the fact that they were going much deeper into this section than she even thought there was to go. It was suddenly hard to breathe. Yes, Ms. Sapphire?, Its almost time to begin, Ms. Sapphire looked over her shoulder at Emma as Emma approached the star-shaped diagram etched into the floor. How come I dont know you from Hogwarts? A couple of special kids come into Regina's life and show her that sometimes the universe puts you right where you need to be. As they ran, Emma recognized one of the side streets. Potions for All Afflictions had a few uncommon potions she hadnt thought to offer yet, so she made some careful notes to look up how difficult they were to make, although they were a bit closer to healing potions than she was often comfortable getting. The first year went a little too hard and shot up far too quickly on her fourth run up the tower. She wished she could just cast the spells herself, but she wasnt supposed to be doing magic outside of school since she was underage and she wasnt actually sure she even could cast a strong enough spell. You trust these guys?, It was still risky, there were other things that could go wrong beyond simply her mother having influence over them. They looked to be a year or two older than Emma was now. You cant just go around attacking anyone who doesnt agree with you! Emma cried in frustration across the dusty hallway. I brought half of the gold I wish to store in a vault today. Granny was actually rather annoyed Marco had told them or that he and August implied Emma might have some additional information that might be able to help. The P on her quiz stood out at her, accusatory. Emma did just that, retreating to a back corner when a family of five, came in and began looking around. You just made me curious Research for what? He and Marco nodded, Its eliminates all the different methods of finding someone except blood magic. Here is the basic lock we most frequently start with for customizations. She didnt want to have to wake up each hour to take it again. For a few seconds, she thought they were dead even though she knew they must not be. Please accept my humble apologies., Emma rolled her eyes, Just deal, Cassidy.. Shed left the magical platform to find her new social worker. Emma blinked, new glasses? Hm? Neals eyes lit up with an idea, Lets see if I can guess what house youre in., Emma waved him forward, Alright, go ahead., Hm, he gave her a very serious and considering look, pretending to look at her from various angles, Im torn between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff., Alright, Neal replied with a pout. That also explained why Regina was breaking in at night to fly. She was a Ravenclaw, she would figure out the best way to do both. Right, Emma nodded along. Mary Margaret moved closer to the upset girl, Or why you were acting so sad at the end of last year?, I Ruby sheepishly rubbed her arm. She leaned in and I started to lean in, too. He didnt leave anyone he met here any forwarding information., Emma couldnt believe what she hearing. And even if youre Adrians brother, I dont actually know you. It was one thing to help out someone who might have been a teammate, on her house teamit was another to help out another random student. Too late for that now. Emma, stop!. She went to her bed and tried her best to do the same. It was a question she asked herself. A contemplative silence fell over them as they leaned against the cool stone and the night breeze swept around them. You play Quidditch? he asked, sounding interested even as he shuffled the cards. Kiley and the Gryffindors captain, a beater, nodded. Regina had long given up trying to excuse herself early. I dont know what else to use.. How can I help you?, Good evening. Its fun helping Beth here over the summerits nice to see her more. She found herself admitting, I was on my house team as second year., Emma felt her eyebrows lift in surprise. I also have copies of my order forms with various apothecaries. She rolled again as she made the end of her circle and pulled off towards the bridge. Whatever, thats so boring. Her ears rang with her mothers words, reiterating what Flitwick had told her. No sooner had she thought that when she heard a pecking sound at the window: a black owl holding a blue envelope. Running or flying, I dont care., Lily nodded back, her eyes soft. DISGRACEFUL, UNGRATEFUL, USELESS GIRL! For what book?, They turned a corner at a quick walk only for Emma to be surprised when they hit a dead end. Was to go try to confront her about it swept around them feel like crap lift in surprise feel! Good way to do it more, Kathryn pressed or a library confidence off... And felt a few days old bruise, but if everyone loves,... Cant just go around attacking anyone who doesnt agree with you cleared my.... 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