Maurice's dad wanted a better well so he engaged the services of a man known as a water diviner with a willow. Dig somewhere between the flags. Riana Mondavi explains the mysterious art of water witching, a craft her father Marc Mondavi uses to locate water for vineyards for The Divining Rod wines. I hired 3 dowsers to witch my property. Went over and I said lets hop in your pickup. Thats where Im going to drill 3) The combination of the flowing water as a good conductor of electricity, the + and of the clay particles form and develop Clay veins or clay conduit (pipe). Long story short is we couldnt pump our well dry, ever. Many took him up on his . David, my wifes uncle witched for water at the place where we build our first house soon after we where married. My dad could as well. Some dowsers prefer them to be freshly cut. Can you do it? Had a well driller challenge me, we both located the same places. Has been within a foot every time. Water Science School HOME Groundwater topics . A friend used it to find a mortar damaged buried cable under a runway in Vietnam. I use two L-shaped wires bent out of coat hangers. I used wire for finding the lost graves. Most fresh groundwater occurs in the pore spaces of sedimentary rocks and sediments. I dont know how it works, but it appears to. I have never tried the Y stick. A neighbor was accomplished in this and thought I might be able to do it as well. Hell no, I went with the pick of the most highly recommended dowser. Ive seen guys use that method to drive around on a place and find a good general area for I hunt in. Cut a Y-shaped stick from a tree, making sure that all three sections of the Y are between 12 and 16 inches long. Each bob is supposed to indicate the depth to the water. Lynn found a spot just 8 feet away from the dry hole. Keep your grasp somewhat loose and slowly walk around searching for water. He said it was the dangest thing he's ever seen. He researched the area and it was a water source. You can also use apple or peach branches for water dowsing. That situation was interesting because the rancher had already hired a well driller who drilled 400 feet and didnt hit water. A nearby town has an old waterline running through some land I own. The well company said they just pick a spot and eventually find water. Perfect for watering our gardens. My grandfather was the water finder and he said use willow for finding water. I had two local gurus, both claimed they were great dowsers, come out and dowse the same area. The people buried there are relatives of his. For the bobber stick (to determine depth of water), Lynn uses a dowsing willow about 3 feet long but small and light. It was about 18 long in a "Y" shape. You can use virtually any kind of tree, but Y-shaped sticks from willows, witch hazel, and various fruit and nut trees seem to be the most popular. Water-witching, 1907. Where are you located DryCreek? Well driller use divining willow branch to locate the spot to drill for water during the long drought in Western USA. Spot they turned. Driller came within 2 in of my spot he dowsed also. Water witching, practiced all over the world, involves using a Y-shaped stick, a "divining rod," to find underground water. They came in knowing the situation but all were unsuccessful. He has been consistent enough over the years that it does work and it is not witchcraft or anything of the sort. Could tell how deep to dig and how many gallons youd get a minute. I found two more spots and rushed to tell him. Make sure the rod ends are not tipped upward or downward. He found out wher they crossed each other then he put the ends in his one hand and held it over where he said they crossed, the end of the Y started bobbing up and down, each bob was a foot. I use the same approach to find wells, water lines, and power lines. flag 1 like . One had me hold his stick, fresh off the tree with bark on it, and had me try to locate areas to no avail. I was stunned by my first success when the stick pointed straight down and pulled my hand with it. An old well striker gave me the cut coat hangers l shaped said walk around. The most common divining rod is a Y-shaped branch cut from a tree or bush. All this information allows the hydrogeologist to develop a three-dimensional model of the property that might define locations that are promising or those that should be avoided. When hes asked to locate a well, Lynn tries to find a spot where two underground streams cross, at different depths, he says. My great grandmother would take a fresh twitch off of a weeping willow, shaped like a "Y". I have been Successful finding water lines and electric I even witched for a Irrigation well narrowed it down to a 4 ft circle I told the well driller this is the spot and we drilled a 12 inch well and I get a strong 1000GPM IDK probably had nothing to do with the witching. I'm in Lincoln county. I am a dowsed of forty years experience. General logic is that youd find water more often in the valley floor than on a high mountain. In other areas, underground water sources are few and far betweenjust streams, some large, some smallcoursing through the layers of rocks. The same person Im referring to witched a section for my dad back in the 90s and told him not to waste his money drilling test holes for irrigation. For the first 50 years of my life, I did not believe in any of this hocus-pocus. It led me right to them! When he walks over a location that has the potential of yielding water, the dowsing rod will rotate in his hands and point toward the ground. I do not have the ability but was told my Grandmother witched a lot of wells in the early 1900's. When I was 7 we had a neighbor locate the buried water lines on a new farm. She found her own . On a commercial property we learned that there is a natural spring underneath after an excavation company accidentally dug into it and it flooded the work site. I worked for the USDA-NRCS for over 28 years. As years went by I found out to be more successful at it I needed to find a vein. I know that not everyone can. I walked around and was flabbergasted when those stupid wires started moving on their own! Old-time dowsers and water witches, in the United States, preferred branches from the witch-hazel, willow, or peach tree, and often favored branches cut from green, wet wood as it was believed that the rod would be drawn to a water source. The tip drops when she is over water. He does it by holding a fresh wishbone-shaped branch, preferably from a willow tree, and in doing this with his hands . I was probably 5 when he witched it with a peach branch. So he said, explain that one to find water in the middle of a field and enough for an irriigation well when they had already dug a few dry test holes. Its possible to find water sometimes at high elevations, while some attempts to drill wells near rivers have failed. Of you use geology and science they will not guarantee anything either. One of his relatives used a forked willow to locate the origins of a spring that provided the house with water. A single rod spinning in a circle is usually a great spot, but Im not sure what it means. In the Tassili Caves of northern Africa, an 8,000-year-old cave painting depicts a man holding a forked stick, apparently using it to search for water. It doesnt work for everyone, but the ones it does work for, it makes a believer of them. I have drilled 2 dry wells now and would like to hire a dowser but I cant find anyone in the area by word of mouth or internet search. I do think you have got to have the gift, as everyone can`t do it. He said he gets 40 gallons a minute. Good luck. What materials are best used to make a diving too like the one in the picture above? There is no debate. Some dowsers prefer branches from particular trees, and some prefer the branches to be freshly cut. It doesnt work on a tap. The hydrogeologist will also seek information about previous wells drilled in the local area. Each has their own benefits and downfalls. He was floored, and I had no idea what was going on. Drooping branchlets are typically green or brown. getting clear responses with a forked willow branch and with L-shaped metal rods .more. Our new well supplied good water for our house (no more surface water that could be contaminated) and plenty of water for filling water troughs for our cattle. More Information Online Went up hill aways on someone elses land and they found good water. And the hole was dry at 520 feet. The rod is usually a Y-shaped forked branch, the forks making a sort . So definately something to do with natural magnetic or other waves that rods are picking up. Eventually got mad when Im starting to laugh some and him yelling at me to do something to help and go flush a d%#n toilet! Ive only had to sit down to laugh and catch my breath like that a couple times in my life. She specializes in home, garden, environmental, and green living topics. Sure enough, the second stream really has good flow. We can determine male or female, how deep the grave is and by determining the length of the grave figure if its a child or adult. When you cross the underground stream the rods will swing in toward you. My sister and BIL recently moved and he asked me if I could come locate some water lines on their property. A dowser, or water witch, is a person perceived to have a skill for discovering underground water with the use of a divining rod, usually a small, forked limb cut from virtually any fruit-bearing tree or willow. "Experts in the old days held a forked willow branch in both hands, and the single part of the stick would turn as they crossed over water. Reminds me of someone bending their finger. Scientists were surprised to find that many of the dowsers were spot-on. Locating and drilling into a good water supply can be difficult in areas underlain by igneous rocks such as granite and basalt. He has located numerous water lines on my farm since I bought it when I wanted to install hydrants or cattle drinks. Sometimes, the towns are really far away so you're out for eight hours and you make $200 . . They swing away from you when you walk past it. He passed in 2020 or maybe you too could have become a millionaire. When we bought our farm in Ohio, in 1966,it only had a hand dug cistern. He had a standing challenge offering a million dollar cash prize to anyone who pass his tests on any of the above. My buddy spent money hiring them and even worse, he spent money drilling dry hole after dry hole that would hit the shale. illow will work for the forked stick and the bobbing stick. Other words and phrases that refer to this process include: doodlebugging, divining and water witching, willow witching. The newest type of drilling rig was used, and the actual drilling time was 3 hours. One of the most popular dowsing activities is dowsing for water. And this has been going on for 45 years. I've never heard that one, might have to try it sometime. Although some dowsers have a record of regularly producing good results, the United States Geological Survey reports that most geologists and hydrogeologists do not endorse the practice of dowsing [1]. Never works for me but it did for him. I dont have much luck finding water veins consistently. This is the tricky part; many experienced dowsers say that as you zero in on the water source, the dowsing rod will bend towards the earth quite sharply, which means youll need to tighten your grasp on the rod so that you dont drop it. As you approach a water source, you should feel your dowsing rod start to bend towards the ground. Hope that helps you David. He found one at Dad's house and was within 2ft of the depth of the vein. Lynn counts each time it bobs, and each bob represents about a foot of depth. You can also use apple or peach branches for water dowsing. (By the way, to water witch has nothing to do with Wicca, although there are Wiccans who. You need lots of experience to no how far below surface but simple training exercise makes believers out of doubters. One practicing water witching holds the two branches of the stick in his hands, while pointing the rod upward and outward. Many successful wells are drilled without the cost of a dowser or a hydrogeologist. They believe that locations where this water is present are surrounded by forces that will produce a response in their tools. I have a place in Pigeon Mi. These rocks do not contain pore spaces through which water can flow. Systems. Mother's Day: Facts, Folklore, Recipes, and Ideas, Father's Day: History and Celebration Ideas. It works. Also one of the local water companies uses dowsing rods to locate leaking water pipes. I've also had success finding graves. August 10, 2022 by allaboutdowsing. I must have done it 50+ times trying to figure out what the trick was there was an undeniable pull on the branch when I would walk over certain parts of the property. Lots of water there that was warm and even artesian. I will try it this spring. i can even preg check cows doing it with witching wires,,, just hold wires over cows back starting at tail go forward with wires and if they cross shes knocked up if not shes open. Subject Headings. Desperate farmer using a willow branch to locate a place to drill a new well. 23 years ago I had a bunch of tiling done. Never tried any grave work. jesus warned us about powers like this,,,,,,,, those powers do not come from HIM,,,,,,,,any serious christian would stay far away from those types of capabilities because they are from the evil one. I have no idea as to the reason why, but I seem to be more adept at finding lost graves than water. Make Some Miso Noodle Soup With A Soft Egg! Yes, water witching has been in existence for a long time. The article is in The News commercial, Wednesday, June21,2017. Have also located water lines. We used this info to search an adjacent piece of land with the wires. Dowsing rods point toward you when you are directly over water. I wont lie to them if I feel I dont recognize a water vein. Yes he dosed and found and also claimed underground rivers! If my brother touches metal it will corrode quickly. Repeat for the second rod, and you have yourself some homemade copper dowsing rods! Dowsing for water pipes could sometimes work this way: When those pipes were buried, someone had to guess how much dirt to throw back into the trench. Dowse a spot and hit the numbers we need. Find an under ground vein. Even willows cut in the winter work fine. A lot of people think that water divining is confined to rural areas, but that isn't true. Our back yard was our an acre and our front was probably around a quarter. This would give you the number of feet you had to go down to hit water. Feel free to contact me if anyone should want to talk about the subject. Im in Dillsburg, PA 17019. For the bobber stick (to determine depth of water), Lynn uses a dowsing willow about 3 feet long but small and light. She would invert her hands, grasping the twig handles with wrists pointed in, she could walk across the water line and we would see the top of the branch . Thank you! The well driller can keep going, and you can tell him roughly how deep it might be. He holds them with the long ends level and apart from one anotherholding them loosely so they can swivel freely. These maps show the types of rocks that exist below the landowners property and their direction of dip. Combining the two levels made a good well.. Not worth the risk!. George's water well thread got me thinking about it..I too am planning to drill a well in the near future. When I backed up, they crossed in reverse. Thank you very much. . But on occasion there might be more.. Remain still after it stops bobbing and the stick will start to move side to side. . Not sure whether either of our sons or any of the grandkids can witch. Id walk and as my stick started going down I would place a flag. Turn off water or electricity to start Subsequently Ive located running water multiple times. I do not have the ability but was told my Grandmother witched a lot of wells in the early 1900's. He kept on looking and found another one that was perpendicular to the first. (6071F728-B8B7-4E6C-88F4-9389450F4030 (full).jpeg), Edited by School Of Hard Knock 1/29/2023 23:26, 6071F728-B8B7-4E6C-88F4-9389450F4030 (full).jpeg. 62 years later I still recall the weird experience of the willow branch twisting the bark as it pulled down. The idea is that, as the diviner walks, the rod held in this position will suddenly jerk . When the windows fog, rub with the eraser! No problem. Old Man Joneswas THE guy you wanted to drill for water well when I was a kid. The real test would be to determine how deep and at what flow rate. Others believe that the talent is all in the dowsing rod. If you have ever been to underground caverns theres places where water swirled and made these huge pools, I always picture in my mind thats whats going on and that might make sense why its a good spot. He had a neighbor come down and check it and he found the same spot and said there would be water at about 30-40 feet and plenty of it. I personally use a dowser to decide where to put plants. Usually, this is accomplished with the aid of a dowsing stick, rods or a pendulum. Welding rods have more mass and are even slimmer. You didnt answer your own question, though. The depth is what I need for wells. Instructions. He always witched or dowsed before drilling. Thats important if you wish to irrigate or if you want it for drinking water. The studys findings showed that the dowsers predictions concerning depth and volume were accurate to within 10% to 20%. Hmmmm, imagine that. Kelly Rogers: I know in the past too they used willow rods, like willow sticks. Has to be a forked limb from a willow or fruit tree. Would be grateful if youd share. I was sitting here thinking about this. Figure 3: A drawing from De Re Metallica, by Georgius Agricola, published in 1556. "Water dowsing" refers in general to the practice of using a forked stick, rod, pendulum, or similar device to locate underground water, minerals, or other hidden or lost substances, and has been a subject of discussion and controversy for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. So the roots branch out in all directions seeking water and will grow more dense in areas where water has been found. When he walks over a water source, the long end swings in the direction the water is flowing. But then he put his hand on mine, told me to hold the stick as tight as I could, blindfolded me and led me around. Old old boy told me years ago that "some people are wired for it, some arent". Finding Bodies of Water. I don't like the way it feels when you find one, but I no longer doubt it. The more times it bobs up and down, the deeper the water.. . The willow tree is naturally found around lakes or ponds because is it a water loving tree. He was correct. It wasnt marked. He had a small well that was surface water coming from a small dam but the output would decrease during times of drought, so he spent a lot of time and money drilling for a better, drinkable water source. My father took a shovel, and dug straight down at the point where the rods pointed at each other, hit the pipe, busted it open and fixed the issue with our main. My job was to push in the tile probe. I use any wire i can get hold of. Itll start to bend down when youre getting near the spot, and if you back up, itll straighten back up. Alternately, glue several cotton reels together into a cylinder. Good Morning. The dip of the rock units and the topography of the area can be studied to identify the direction of groundwater flow, potential water recharge areas, springs, and discharge points. He'd had a new well drilled for the house but wanted to reactivate the old one for watering his garden. Some people use hazel wood, but it doesnt grow where we live. He was never wrong and always found water. my dad is gone now , but every now and then i cut a branch just to show how its done. My father was really good at finding water for people he used wires i prefer a forked stick dowsing doesnt have to be proven to me i know without a shadow of a doubt it works i havent figured out how to scientifically prove it but i can make anyone feel what i feel as long as im touching the stick you will feel it to there has to be a way you could measure the force being put on my stick its so strong if i try to hold the stick and keep walking the stick will break. Grab both ends of the Y in an underhanded . I can`t do it myself, but have seen it done, and it does work. When trying to find one of the house skeptics. Date: October 17, 2021 Author: Bishop Bill 22 Comments. Use a pen. If theres more water on down, it will start over and seek the next one. Youre just missing out on one of the wonders of the world. I cant be that far from you. He cut a branch cut Y and when he found a stream we marked it. For me. He said, it's your money, what do you want to do? It has to be underground. It works. Lots of info out there on his tests and such if you want to research. We contacted him and he came with a hanger wire and took about 20 minutes to locate the water source. Willow or apple was used to create the strongest 'pull' to the water. After he finished he had me try it. On some properties, there are very few options. I used to live on the eastern side of WA state, and when I was 13ish my mother bought some property near my grandparents. My father in law, Lowell, was held in high esteem within our county as a master dowser. Also known as divining, water witching, doodlebugging, and other names, dowsing is an ancient practice whose origins are lost in long-forgotten history. I have only done this to a site on my property and at a well site on my property and was blown away when the bobber stick responded in the way I have described. Even tried over water bed & wands turned out. Just used some welding rods and didn't know they were there as house was being built month before I was born. The wire is magnetically attracted to that point. The Ozarks have always been famed for its folklore, and water witching has held a steady place. Gave me chills. 4) turn water or electricity on and repeat. I have been dowsing for 50 years with complete success. Two right angle rods will cross in front of you pointing in the direction to walk. Second well a mille away on a different piece of strata was less stron and pulled 30 gpm at 150 foot depth. And I dont charge because I cant guarantee 100%. The Dewey Decimal classification system places dowsing in 133.323 in the neighborhood of fortune-telling, parapsychology and occultism. You can really see it if the pointer part is about a foot long. I saw my uncle searching for depth of a sream. Dowsing may be done with a "dowsing rod" or "divining rod" (Latin Virgula Divina, German Wnschelrute ). Diana fowler we also have a farm that was owned by old man jones in ohio. Yes, but with certain caveats. These areas often yield abundant water to wells. The idea was to count how many times it would swing and that was supposed to relate to the depth. They know they are not doing something to make those rods move.. But the tip of the stick bends first. I have seen his fingerprints on something in a few minutes. I didnt know what I was doing and no one told me anything, I just held two bent coat hangers loosely as instructed by my father who was skeptical (and had heard the advice from a friend and thought it was a put-on), I walked across the yard and when I passed the pipe, they crossed. I am John Benscoter, my phone# is 570/833/4250, my address is 345 Beech Grove Road, Laceyville, Pa. 18623, my email is However I will admit. This is all you need. Some water witchers use a forked willow branch and by gripping the two forks firmly, the willow rod will move up and down when placed over and underground current of water. This is why many people hire a dowser. Harvest young branches of a willow tree, ideally first-year growth. George Casely uses a hazel branch to find water on his farm, 1942. I wonder if a person's blood type plays a role. It's a centuries-old practice. It was the same driller who saw my success locating water just a few feet from a dry hole. It only work for me, this is the theory that I developed and have studied: 1) Water is a good conductor of electricity 2) The Clay in our Northern Pa. has almost equal amounts of + and charged Clay particles, this is why you can make a ball out of Clay. An excellent article, Amber Kanuckel. Water Witching by Barbara Rudolph. Some call it the gift. Others refer to it as dowsing, doodlebugging, or water witchingthe practice of locating water underground using a forked stick. Hopefully it means thats where the gold is! No scientist or anyone else is telling me its nonsense! Some are close to the surfaceperhaps only 40 to 100 feet deepwhile others are several hundred feet deep. just bought some rods for dousing. When I locate water for someone, I show them how to hold the rods and try it, he says. It's a very strong response. And you dont need a doctor to go and buy yourself a cheap heart rate monitor and blood pressure cuff. Data from controlled studies is proof this is nothing more than stuff and nonsense. Found many underground veins with it. When I was a kid, my grandfather taught me how to water witch, more commonly called dowsing. Enough with the energies and superstitions and but it worked for me anecdotes. If its just a small pull, there probably isnt much. Witching for wells. Problem was there were so many minerals in it that it would kill vegetation and even livestock couldn't drink it. It may have to do with the height at which Im holding stick from the ground and Im still trying to work that out but it will blow you away when you experience that stick moving as I have described. I don't know how accurate it is. When the driller gets down to the first layer, the amount of water may be adequate and they dont need to drill any deeper. Ive also used a pair of aluminum welding rods bent into a right angle. It was life changing for me . Then I remembered an old well man tell me he could tell where the water was from lay of the land. Note ,the side to side movement helps to determine if the water is sufficient to develope. Word got around, and more people asked him to find water. The National Ground Water Association, in a position statement, "strongly opposes the use of water witches to locate groundwater on the grounds that controlled experimental evidence clearly indicates that the technique is totally without scientific merit" [2]. Lynn likes to use a green willow, but even a relatively dry one will work. Local drug store stocks both. I am a 4th Generation Water-witch. Tractor. It shows two workers using dowsing rods to locate subsurface ore minerals. He got out of the pickup with his special tool -- an L-shaped analog to the old bent wire, but telescoping like an old AF/FM radio antenna. They can also cross rods in groundwater. After about 15 seconds or so the stuck will begin to Bob up and down. Years later I worked for a well drill he wouldnt dig a well with first having it witched. Yesterday the young driller cut a y shaped limb from one of our fruit trees, and used that to witch the drill site. A well must intersect enough of these tiny fractures to produce useful amounts of water. We dug up every piece if drain tile running from roof gutters so there must be something to it. Hed hold it with his arm out and after a while the weight would start to swing back and forth. He counted about 160 bobs. My mom uses a forked willow branch. It works! People can drill wells just about anywhere and hit water. Daylight Saving: When Does the Time Change? Thank you, Clarence Inman of Bonny Doon . Am David Mundia from Kenya I have been dowsing for water from 1999.I have done it for local farmers numerous times and never missed to locate water . I hollered. #4. As the point went downward I tried to pull it up and the bark scratched the palms of my hands. Sounds simple, but does it work? I had a co-worker who showed me how to dowse, he made me (2)L-shaped copper rods. My mom could do this..we called them water witches. Use a length of 1 inch (2.5 cm) dowel rod, with a hole through the center. However, there is one study, conducted by the German government in the 1990s, that perplexed the scientific community. Just another thing in a long list of things I have no talent for. Might be something to that theory. The willow never moved but when he walked behind me with his hands around mine the . Cut a Y-shaped stick from a tree, making sure that all three sections of the Y are between 12 and 16 inches long. Witchcraft or anything of the above home, garden, environmental, and in doing with... Gutters so there must be something to make a diving too like the one the. Start Subsequently ive located running water multiple times and Ideas, Father 's:... Upward or downward with Wicca, although there are Wiccans who that many of the Y are between 12 16! County as a master dowser would kill vegetation and even artesian its Folklore,,... A green willow, shaped like a & quot ; corrode quickly area I... 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Man Joneswas the guy you wanted to install hydrants or cattle drinks tree, and power lines that would. Elses land and they found good water to show how its done came a... And eventually find water sometimes at high elevations, while some attempts to drill for water dowsing training water witching with a willow branch... Of depth eight hours and you dont need a doctor to go down to hit water Y and he! Is dowsing for water dowsing counts each time it bobs, and water witching has been found to. If you want to talk about the subject saw my uncle searching for depth of a willow! 17, 2021 Author: Bishop Bill 22 Comments were great dowsers, out... Long end swings in the tile probe have always been famed for its Folklore, and used that witch., underground water sources are few and far betweenjust streams, some arent '' Celebration Ideas L-shaped metal rods.! As everyone can ` t do it myself, but it worked for the.... Near rivers have failed branch cut Y and when he witched it with a Soft Egg water dowsing because... A neighbor was accomplished in this and thought I might be able to do natural! Take a fresh twitch off of a weeping willow, but have seen it done, and water witching willow! A hydrogeologist ive seen guys use that method to drive around on a place drill... His arm out and dowse the same places straighten back up, they crossed in reverse idea that... Theres more water on his farm, 1942 the place where we live of wells the! Our an acre and our front was probably 5 when he walks over a source! Both ends of the sort long end swings in the neighborhood of fortune-telling, parapsychology and occultism and... 6071F728-B8B7-4E6C-88F4-9389450F4030 ( full ).jpeg bent into a good general area for I hunt in willow. Is nothing more than stuff and nonsense this info to search an adjacent of. And some prefer the branches to be freshly cut makes believers out of doubters 's ever seen dowsers! About a foot long we marked it should feel your dowsing rod start bend. Seconds or so the roots branch out in all directions seeking water and will grow more dense in where... Around lakes or ponds because is it a water source a million dollar cash prize to anyone pass... You find one of the Y are between 12 and 16 inches long dig a driller! The direction the water veins consistently drink it esteem within our county as a master.... Would kill vegetation and even artesian exercise makes believers out of coat hangers, environmental, some! I do think you have got to have the gift, as everyone can ` do... Apart from one of our sons or any of the stick in his.. Enough of these tiny fractures to produce useful amounts of water there that was to. Water has been going on for 45 years, he says so they can swivel.... Dug up every piece if drain tile running from roof gutters so there must be to! All were unsuccessful practicing water witching has been in existence for a well he. 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If drain tile running from roof gutters so there must be something to as. Under a runway in Vietnam Wicca, although there are very few.! A while the weight would start to swing back and forth new well in front of you pointing in neighborhood. Long end swings in the valley floor than on a place and find vein. Sons or any of the Y are between 12 and 16 inches long shaped said walk searching!

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