Do you agree with my assessment of what hes saying? He chose to sit in a bar and drink to excess every night. I need advice on how to deal with this because all the usual advice just isn't going to work, I can't explain myself well and I freeze up and break down when I try. If this one ends I can't see trying again. You cannot meet them. Please can someone help Id really appreciate any advice with no judgement as I feel incredibly isolated. Then it starts all over again. Then, there was another fight. I felt lied to and discarded. I;m 45yo and have AS, was diagnosed at age 39. He assaulted me in one of his meltdowns, was arrested, charges were dropped..I was influential in this. Then, this person who had seemed so open and so honest started to change. Without empathy, NeuroDiverse folks need a strong moral code to keep from slipping into narcissism. Figure out sooner than later if you are in one, and get out before it gets even harder to leave. Im a high functioning Aspie and broke up with my NT ex by giving her the silent treatment aka ghosting. Its so so hard being at my place, What ever i do seems to make things worse. He was super patient with me. I sometimes see him in social situations (have friends in common) and it seems as I hes doing great, being much more social and not in the depressed and angry state that he lived while being with me. They don't know why they don't like it but they can think of lots of fancy excuses. Im able to tone them down as a favor to my NT partners. I was struggling to deal with his alcoholism and depression. My partner/ex partner (depending on he feels) has Aspergers difficulties and finds it hard to cope in his daily life. Life with Aspergers: Why Do Aspies Suddenly Back-Off in Relationships? I myself am having trouble just getting through my day. Me and my bff worked together for over 2 years and in that time, he literally barely spoke a word to ANYONE at work. Get out. He is 25. You didnt so dont cry to me later on. Thomas Holland, who had always wanted to be a bus driver . A few weeks ago I asked my boyfriend to go and stay with his parents for a while as I needed some space to focus on myself and my son. She isnt ready. He has a lawyer and wants toseparate, not really understanding what it is. He is cold cruel and he refused to go get diagnosed. I felt like i was swimming against a currentbanging my head against a brick walltalking to him. next month will be 5 long years married.. 2 weeks ago we were putting offers in to buy a home.. 3 days later after we didnt get the home ,I woke up and he handed me divorce papers. Aspies can help by making more efforts to communicate, even if it means resorting to written forms. Its torture. Have you been able to write part II yet? Feeling bad, I googled the problem and came upon this article. Its totally private but is unique in that both NeuroTypical and NeuroDiverse can participate. Yes it is hardvery.if he is meant to come backhe the meantime look after You..Your mental healthlove You! avoid certain activities or expectations. Poor . I don't really have a question as reading through the posts has helped me to understand that this is normal. We are equally puzzled by the NT world. The last 2 years have been push/pull. I,d rather die than be where i am againthe pain is relentlessInvalidation after all the support i gave From not only thinking of what he is going through but giving myself anxious and frightening answers about what the explanation is for the lack of contact. Take care. I told her I was struggling with the new friendship and that I was becoming sensitive and I miss our jovial times. I am so sorry you are going through this Athena. That's because ASD/ASC is primarily a social-emotional-communication difference. My husband also has many of these traits. You are not alone Ashley. Please take care of yourself. Strange question I know, but it is sometimes overwhelming as a woman to feel that there is no man out there who understands. When I read what people have written about their needs I automatically glaze over and skip to the next bit of story. others or their feelings are of no interest to them . He calls my family horrible things and he talks about me being an Aspie as if it were a terrible thing. Same here. I need some advice. Says he will call me or see me again soon, then disappears again? For anyone with AS needing to back off in a relationship -- talk it through, write it, email it, whatever, but don't make the mistake I did. Im none of those things but the Fg B part did get to my head because there are days anyone can be in a bad mood. But, a person with cancer has millions of resources that are helpful to understand cancer and what it means and future options. How can I sleep with someone and move forward with no feedback? It was just the totality of feeling taken for granted and unappreciated. This page has made me realize there are others like me and it is somewhat comforting. While I am sympathetic to his sensitivities, I have to have boundaries. Click here to learn more: Next for the NT only join the Meetup group, Asperger Syndrome: Partners & Family of Adults with ASD. It's so sad and hard to give up this wonderful person. How do I know if this guy loved me? If the other person isnt ready yet to hear your feelings, then what you are supposed to do is give them the time to be ready. Hes been arrested for theft of stupid things. Im so appreciative of these sites as it really does help knowing others understand, and I am in NO WAY being detrimental to Aspies, Ive tried soooooo hard to make it work but unless its reciprocated, it never will, and as this platform says Aspies are individuals but all see to have the main traits needed for a loving relationship but I wish all those tying good luck!!! I didnt figure it out until year 18 so the damage was beyond repair. Good luck!! He has kind of ghosted me. I hear ya sister! Everyone thought he was crazy for how he treated me and the oddly sensitive letters they received from him when they hated him and never spoke to him for years. I would appreciate any advice to understand what happened with him, I am just a very emotional person and this has made me really depressed. She would look intensely into my eyes, we would have hilarious conversations, and totally bonded. RUN..RUNRUN..Save yourselves x. I am so sorry you are hurting Lucy. These robots are programmed different to othet people. Can Entrepreneurial Women Measure Up to Their Definition of Success? I too have been dating an undiagnosed aspie Male for the last 2 years. I felt so much resentment and wanted to blaim him for everything that didint work. Dear Rosh, Im in the exact same situation. The aspie partner may miss the fact his partner is actually seething. I have in other comments recently identified as having self-recognized (male) Aspie characteristics (and online tests I've seem to lean heavily in that direction). Can you plz let me know as soon as possible if you are offering evaluation appointments too? That resigned approach is never going to foster a healthy, mutually-beneficial relationship, it puts all of the onus on the neurotypical to do the adapting, and it encourages co-dependency between the readers and the syrupy validation of the psuedo-psychologists. It's challenging to be on the NT end to say the least sometimes, but the blog post and all the comments really helped shine a light on a lot of things for me. I want out of all of this. Dear Victoria, Im thinking of just sending a quick, positive text asking who shes doing and that it would be great to catch up. I kept insisting this wasnt true. He seems incapable of understanding the effect his depression and shutting me out has on me. to uphold their unintentional abuse behaviors. The only previous mention of her absence was with: "Hoda's off today," Guthrie mentioned in passing during February 27's broadcast. He wants to talk about computers, math and physics, not about confusing humans that are totally unpredictable. Let them knoe that you still love them but that this is not healthy. But I just dont know what to do. Plus there a numerous videos on You Tube from my Facebook Lived. wow it sounds like Im reading about my self. But two days ago I had a breakthrough when it dawned on me that he could be on the spectrum, and it was as though a veil had lifted. That killed me. I lost everything including me x, My Aspergers partner walked out on me and our 2yr old son last week but before hand we was talking about our future together, he made me a love song which he sang on his hands and knees, he took me to expensive restaurant to treat me But then he stayed out at his parents where his dad is dying from cancer and he came back in a mood with me, I asked him for hug and told him I had missed him he pushed me away and said he doesnt want a hug from me and that it feels weird touching me and that he cant take it no more, he put that he was single on Facebook I give him something to eat and left him alone, next day he woke up he didnt calm down over night instead he got his clothes and left us and went back to his parents and now hes saying he doesnt love me or want to be with me but if this was true why did he do all that he did for me just the other week before he left. There are probably posts on here about it; I'm not sure. She kept coming by but I felt things had changed. I asked if they had the debit card, and with that belittling tone, they said well if its NOT in the WALLET then its in my POCKET. As if I was so dumb because I didnt know that most obvious logic. I must have broken up with him at least ten times and thought about it even more. I should have given up and left. But wont face the point of the argument. As hard as it is your mental and physical well-being is very important during this time for you to be able to cope. The silent treatment is really a cruel form of abuse and it includes more, like ignoring and shunning, and treating you as if your opinion doesnt count. A lack of empathy and any emotional attatchment. My biggest problem is once he hits a long enough period of time of childish silence by the time hes done Im done! This really hurts. Its oh so hard for them Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Hello , In fact it was the one of my anxiety attacks that upset our plans that triggered this latest shutdown. Ive lost so much trust with him there is none and I hate feeling like a mother to him asking where all his money is going and why cant he go over finances. How very kind of you. I certainly grieve over my mistakes and wished Id had the insight I have now. So much of the blog and comments resonate with what is happening in my own marriage. Making friends can cause anxiety because of the high expectations people set and any self-consciousness people with autism may experience. This has hapoened at actime when I meed his support the most. I said I wanted to work things out with him. He said I came down on him hard, which I personally dont think. Now looking back, he may not have gotten the gist of "proactive" an misinterpreted what I was requesting as a committed relationship. Which makes me feel Im unwanted but he stated he loves me.. Were you ever able to reestablish a relationship with your friend again or is it still over? I questioned him and he got extremely angry and started telling me Im not adventurous and how I simply dont do things right. They triggered my ptsd and I started interrupting them telling them I didnt want to be screamed at, yes I stopped listening because they started screaming, went on defense and never responded to or respected my boundary. If we had known maybe we couldve saved our marriage. I usually sit on it but for once i called it out the next day and all hell broke loose (from me) and she went dark, no responses to texts, calls or emails. My needs are never met. Thank you for your reply. You worried about how honest and genuine your partner was. They dispose of people. I tried to keep it neutral but somehow, it just works better when explained from a male viewpoint. I am so sorry you are going through this, I too went/go through those episodes with my boyfriend. This relationship was different. Thank you for your question. No topics were off limits in our conversations. If anyone is ND and reading this could they kindly shed some light. He does not miss you in the way you do him. The day after our wedding my aspie announced that he didnt really want to be married and that he made a mistake. Everything was great the first two months then he shut down affection and sex and now he says he wants to be alone. Im going to die in this nothingness. A bond which has now twisted itself into something I no longer recognize. And of course its less complex/awkward with friends than any kind of romantic relationship with the opposite sex(or same sex if you're gay I suppose). He cant cope with the intense emotions he is experiencing, so he has shut down and actually regressed. Theres no need. This false belief is based upon a need to feel safe in the world. Ive been in a relationship for 9 months and besides being incredibly smart, hes been giving me the silent treatment for 2 days. He had surgery and couldn't go out for a while, he got laid off, he had a bit of a cancer scare, we went on lots of trips, and I was there for him when these all happened. I,m there now my friend.. Aww thats just happened to me we dont live together, been together for 7 years and had an argument 4 weeks ago didnt speak and I found out he was with a woman last week, Im devistated no messages no talking is this normal!! I think anything before that was just "strong attraction" or a crush. He said he was depressed for a couple of months but processed it all with his therapist and that now hes feeling amazing, doesnt miss me at all and likes his new life where there is no stress and where he feels much lighter. Ive tried to write and text, but complete silence. I dont know whether this is the end?! I'm in a similar situation and am confused. He is a logical thinker, not emotional as i can see you obviously are. Its a long story, but yes,I did hurt him unintentionally. In other words, ASD can affect many of the skills we need while driving. Just exhausted. I notice that all my fellow students and co-workers have no issue in becoming buddies and laughing and joking and hanging out. For the aspie: There was that first big fight that happened. Whether you are Brazilian, or French, or South African, we all know what it is like to live with Aspies. YOUR HEART. This is one of the biggest reasons. Its about understanding. Frugal with money. They will even misunderstand therapists and use the misinterpreted info. His eyes show no soul inside. Whatever the reason, the aspie change resistance kicks in. He hasnt spoken to me for over 2 weeks now.comes home late.sleeps on sofa.goes to work early. It makes me feel Ive not done enough to deserve being loved. He has always failed to communicate or solve things jointly without it going very badly. To be a carer for a person that will NEVER love you tge way you hope and dream. Is this what you want for your future ? I will divorce him now as I dont trust him . This person had been abused, overlooked, mistreated, and devalued. And i have no idea to deal with him. When hes out he falls back into as I call it living in his own world. Even if its a tentative diagnosis, when he starts having suspects, he himself may dig into it much more deeply. At home, they werent trying as hard anymore. Im confused. I need advice please. They feel obliterated by your strength, so in turn try to obliterate you. Great sex but no affection. Then suddenly he started drinking again and saying really hurtful things when drunk. We do not live together. So if not medicated or being treated, an Aspie will have many issues with their ability to control their behaviour. Researched. A life of not udnerstanding teaches you strategies to appear to understand, simply to make life easier. Aspie has difficulties reading our face so alot of the time they will think that we are upset with them. with no regard to how they will be impacted . As a matter of fact some people(not just Aspies its a general psychological problem that can happen to anyone) deal with that kind of abuse by actually trying to make sure no one likes them so they can stay in their comfort zone. the whole relationship is completely strained, sex was good but robotic like a routine pattern.a cuddle not a warm embrace. Hope you'll feel better soon! We are on day 3 of no talking. I'm willing to take baby steps to restore the relationship, but if he isn't going to budge or even talk about how he feels, then it seems pointless. I figured it was bad timing because he blocked me 2 days later. He says he needs to feel safe. Aspie shutdown and withdrawal is a big part of how autism affects relationships. The arguments increased. I went to our Rabbi about it a couple of times, and the Rabbi would like to speak to him about his anger problems (a few months ago he said some horrible things to to our eldest son), but he refuses to see the Rabbi. Your typical starting dosage will be 12.5 mg once per day. Im sorry by any mistake. He called me a week later from the psychiatric ward to tell me that we wanted different things but that he loved me and had been happy in our relationship. For the first time, you werent experiencing jealousy or fears of infidelity anymore because this was a person who was authentic, genuine, real. Imagine being an NT in an asperger world. Yes my friend it is Normalfor Them..that is. Be prepared to die inside. Aspie find it hard to verbalise and speak in logic. Its just really sad and scary and hard. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. How to take back your life, whether they get it or not. I am so sorry that you were abused and traumatized. It exhausts you. I am happy to consult with you on what to look for in an evaluator, though. Meltdowns are the norm. I was happy, he was so into talking for hours. Note Im a very social person. I hope you join our group meetings to get the support that means so much when we feel this alone. Also he is too busy with his work and I dont think he will travel to anywhere else for something he denies. The silent treatment is devastating. The flirting and laughter was gone. You cant carry on like this or you will get terribly sick. It did not go well at all. If they breach that boundary more than once, please know that you can leave the relationship otherwise your will be left with nothing. I suspect the author is aware enough to realize that this one sided relationship will not work. I knew deep down he loved me, I loved him but I could not keep subjecting myself to the pain and rejection. I feel me and him will not meet for a few months as that what his intention seems to be like. 2 2.Why do Aspies Suddenly Back Off in Relationships (Part 2) 3 3.Is it common for Aspies to suddenly withdraw from relationships? Wow, just wow. Narcissists exist at many levels of society and are not limited to one diagnosis. Filled with assessments and exercises for both you and your partner, this book will help you forge a deeper, more fulfilling . In the end this supply(me) ran out of giving her soul. I have been. When we dont know what is going on, or we dont feel heard, we can withdraw into silence. I hold people rather strictly to agreements that they make. Was swimming against a brick walltalking to him anxiety because of the high expectations set. Story, but yes, i have now jovial times filled with assessments and exercises for both you your... Ever able to write and text, but yes, i too went/go through those with. 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